Tibault & Toad

Posts from March 2013

23 weeks!

The results of "Indy, come take a belly shot with mommy" . . . first there was a little dancing. . .

som blank staring. . .

then she climbed on the chair. . .

"yes! belly!"

We have our one and only ultrasound scheduled for Thursday and will hopefully get a peek at the gender then!

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snow cream

After a mostly disappointing and snow-less winter, we finally got a good amount of accumulation the other day. Hurrah! Indy was happy, not only because its fun to watch the snow blowing outside the windows, but because she is obsessed with eating ice, and snow is like ice's better looking and tasting cousin! So, of course, she always asks to have some "ice" to eat everytime we venture outside. 

I decided to make it an even more delicious experience for her by whipping up a little "snow ice cream," which was something my kindergarten teacher introduced me to way back in the day, and which we made occasionally when I was growing up.

Gather fresh clean snow in a bowl. . .

Then add:

  • cream or half & half (preferably raw if you have it - we didn't, so Trader Joe's had to suffice)
  • vanilla extract
  • sweetener of choice (I used organic cane sugar, but stevia or maple syrup would also work well)

Add just enough milk to moisten (you can always add more, but go easy because it can get too slushy  super fast), a splash of vanilla, and sweetener to taste. . .

Result? Icy, creamy goodness. Or as Indy would say. . .

. . . "nummy!"

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