Tibault & Toad

Posts from November 2011

what we've been up to

Hello all! Hopefully you've been enjoying this beautiful fall weather! We've been. . .

Package receiving (beautiful organic cotton fabric from Near Sea Naturals, they have an excellent "seconds" category, and new email subscribers get a coupon code for $10 off. . . combined those two things make for a serious steal!). . .

Vegan cooking (this awesome butternut squash recipe, minus the raisins and almonds). . .

Pretty-leaf pressing. . .

Sippy-cup mastering. . .

(now that's a look of pure pride)

Just-in-our-skivvies crawling (finally she's chosen the crawl over the scoot). . .

Very-manly-wood chopping. . .

And blazing-fall-night-fire enjoying. . .

What have you been up to?


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farmer's market

Saturday we went to check out the farmer's market. We try to make it as often as we can during the summer months, but we hadn't really checked it out much during the fall. Its quieter, but still wonderful, and also pretty darn cold! The produce is still awesome. . .

And we can always count on seeing our friends Dan and Nikki who run a kettle corn stand. Check out his site and grab your own taste of Kernel Dan's here.

And Indy's little nose turned red, even though I zipped us up in Alan's jacket. So cute!


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