Tibault & Toad

friday fire nights

Okay, this is really just an excuse for posting a bunch of cute pictures of Indy (though I don't think I really need an excuse, because there is baby tab up there, haha), but anyways, every Friday is Friday Fire Night at Joel and Kate's, where we chop wood, grill up delicious food, drink beer, and sit around an expertly built fire to converse and laugh. It's so fun, and such a reliable way to connect with at least a few friends on a mostly weekly basis.

Graham chopped wood. . .

And Indy watched, apparently thinking it was the most delightful thing she had ever seen.

Meat plate! We've been grilling up pastured pork brats that we get through the farm club, and they are so delicious.

Indy thinks so too, obviously.

And no matter how many times I go to bed on Friday nights with hair that smells like campfire, it's still so nostalgic.


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